Re: Nimrod

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I am not the perfect person to argue for Nimrod, but here's the thing:

All the arguements against Nimrod are worst case scenarios. Scenarios
me and Aleksej have commited ourselves from ever happening. Yet more
naysayers come at us with the same story, but with different spins on

So let's just cut to the heart of the matter. You don't want to see
change. You don't want to see SliTaz evolve or become better. You are
against the very heart of the Temporary Autonomous Zone. You are
against SliTaz itself! Bold or Totally wrong statement? Maybe. The
point is we're argueing this to death.

Do you know why I use SliTaz? The real reason and not the one I tell
other people? Because it's Beautiful and I Love it. They say the most
beautiful work of art is beautiful because it's imperfect. This is why
I Love SliTaz. It IS imperfect and I enjoy the fact that I can help
make it better. This is my kind of FUN.

Aleksej wants me to tell you all why I love Nimrod. I chose Nimrod for
the same reasons I chose SliTaz:

First, for what it could do. I tested it by writing a simple IRC Bot
using two examples I found while googling a year ago. I was surprised
how easy it was. Even easier than writing the same code in Python. And
it was only 25 lines. Then I tried to write a simple terminal based IRC
client in 34 lines of code and it worked! Then I wrote a simple MUD
client in 29 lines of code. The last two where TREADED programs to. I
was hooked.

Secondly, the community. Araq, AmryKid, dom96 and Tasser were helpful
through it all. Hell, dom96 even implemented an IRC library because of
the bots I was writing in Nimrod. Using that library, I can now write
the same IRC Bot in as little as 12 lines of code. 12 LINES of code.
Can you do the same in Bash Script?

Thirdly, It was fun. Yes, that's my reasoning and I'm sticking to it.
Using Nimrod is fun. It takes some of the idiocy out of programming and
makes it an enjoyable experience. Like Richard Branson once said: "If
it stops being fun, then I'll stop doing it". He's a Billionaire for a

And Forthly, I fell in Love with it. I have passion for the things I
Love and I will fight tooth and nail for it's inclusion. To have Nimrod
included in SliTaz is like having two Loves of mine combined. I LOVE
the idea.

But yeah, to quote Araq and Linus Torvalds: "Rather shut up and show me
the code". I challenge all of you naysayers to show me a better
solution than Nimrod that equals it in preformance. You can't? Well,
there you have it.

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