Re: SliTaz GNU/Linux 4.0

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The anouncement on the website in english is not the best. My english is also not the best, but I think this would be better:

SliTaz's Contributors are pleased to announce the release of GNU/Linux SliTaz 4.0. This is the new stable version of their distribution. Two years of work from the community has provided a stable production system with a faster startup time and more than 1000 new installable packages.

SliTaz gives you a complete graphic desktop in 35MB, based on OpenBox and LXDE which fully works in RAM using only 192MB. This new organization 4in1 allows to install it on the hard disk with only 48MB selecting automatically the right Software's configuration.

Also the utilities are better. TazPkg apports a new notification system; it's more faster although the growing number of packages and TazPanel allows to centralize the management of the system. You can read the full Releases Notes and download SliTaz 4.0 from our mirror.

I don't know what you mean with the term 'apports' but i think there is a better english word for this.

Op 10 april 2012 18:25 schreef Christophe Lincoln <pankso@xxxxxxxxxx> het volgende:

Hi all,

So finally here it is! SliTaz 4.0 is on mirror, the rush is finish!
Note there is still the flavors uploading, including an Xorg Light
flavors. Please feel free to report Errata on the dedicated Wiki page
and it solution:


The packages repository is setup and will recice bug and sucurity fixes
untill 5.0. It'a the first time we have a working build bot for stable
so update are much easier and a cron run like for Cooking and Undigest.

Thanks and big Hug to everyone who contributed to this release. SliTaz
is an amazing community! Now work on 5.0 have already started, I know
some devs have new features to implement and I will continue improve
SliTaz services and organisation. Please use the Roadmap before any big
changes in the distro:

In SliTaz 4.0 you will find a new entry in the Network menu "SliTaz bug
report", but it will not work before a few days. This is a new bug
tracker, our bug tracker with full desktop integration so users can
post bugs from the desktop and it is a new try to have main devs using
it! More info:

Best regards,
- Christophe

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