Re: Cookutils - New tools to cook packages

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We installed new Tazwok on Tank in february so ok it's not 6 month we
struggling, but 3.

> Then, I learn that "we" (?) are debugging tazwok since months & it
> still hardly buggy... So, as usual I reply that the tool is quite
> stable now, and if you are aware of bugs you can eventually inform me
> about, & post something at

I mailed you you and talked to you several time on IRC, you know the
current stat of Tank and as I told you several time I'm unable to debug
Tazwok, I realy tried, but it seems you and godane are to only one
to work and understand it. Ask yourself why no other contibution ?

> Do what you want, but please stop to accusate my code for all you're
> problems & invent things that never existed.

I dont accusate you, I make reverences to you code and the huge amount
of work done. Dont see only the negativ part, future more that I'm
trying to be compatible so we can use the same receipt for cookutils
than Tazwok.

I'm the disto maintainer, what should I do when many (say 6-8) people
are not happy with a tool and dont even push/create packages anymore ?
Look at the wok who make commits these last month ? For me it is
old/many contributors vs 2 hackers, I must do my job and take care
about the majority.

> P.S: forgot to update you're system doesn't count as a bug.
> P.S: Forgot to update you're system doesn't count as a tazwok bug.

You correct. But are you aware that I'm the only one maintaining Tank
(at least this last mouth), even you dont debug the current BB and other
contributors who was doing it before dont do it anymore since Tazwok
make them afraid, why do you think ? Not well documented ? Not easy to
use ? Or is it other fault because they dont want to learn... ?
> -- 
> GoKhlaYeh <gokhlayeh@xxxxxxxxxx>

- Christophe

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