Re: Why cookutils and no 4.0 yet

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I was unable to
cook for example openbox due to missing xorg-libXft dep. How tazwok can
build it ?
Pango uses xorg-libXft. So xorg-libxft-dev is added to the install also. It checks all the depends until all listed are installed. It looks at wok-depends.txt to do this. So xorg-libXft is a build depend of a depend. Thats how it got added.

On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Christophe Lincoln <pankso@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, 9 May 2011 20:52:08 +0000
Christopher Rogers <slaxemulator@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> slitaz-tools get all the installed depends cause it has
> compile_rules. Also it does make msgfmt in compile_rules so there is
> good reason not move it to genpkg_rules. Only cause depends will not
> be skip but build_depends too.

And ? This is not wanted/needed, with build deps variable we dont have
that, so are you going to  modify ? Since I will add back all
neede BUILD_DEPENDS even if it take me 3 month...

Also be prepared that I will rebuild all packages 2 maybe 3 times thes
next days so ensure all packages build succefully.

I was also suprised to have to fix some DEPENDS, I'think you have a bug
in tazwok because in a clean chroot as cookutils use... I was unable to
cook for example openbox due to missing xorg-libXft dep. How tazwok can
build it ?

Note: I started to build on tank with 213 pkg installed, now after 1122
cook I still have 213 pkgs installed in wok, so cookutils is stable on
this point. Tested on my local dev env and Tank.

- Christophe

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