Build Bot up and running

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Hi all,

So we have now a new Build Bot up and running. Toolchain have been
rebuild 4 times and actually 90% of our ~3000 packages are rebuilt.
The build bot aks the cooker is listing to all commit getting into the
wok and automaticaly build them. I did a new domain to make the change
betwwen the pas and now, the web interface let you check the cooker
stat and checj if your packages have built succeffuly:

Also many many packages have been fixed but we have still 10% to fix.
If some non blocking packages dont build due to crapy receipt, I will
remove them from wok.

On the udev/kernel side. We now back to a i386 kernel and new udev.
When I restarted to rebuild all packages I found bugs and udev wast'n
building, finally we was using and too old version of usbutils (udev
depend on it) with unreferd functions to the kernel. It's only 2 days I
use it but have no more udev error and freez at boot!

That said, we will probably sync the mirror this week, so be prepared
to a huge cooking update. If you want to try out new packages from
cookutils/tank you can use that repos (might be slow is on Tank small

I will also post a mail (in the day) about a new ISO using these last
packages and with new cool and sexy stuff :-)

Have a nice day,
- Christophe

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