Re: Wok and packages status

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> The "sandbox" is in fact an experimental environnment, from where you
> can run experimental tools; it's a solution to keep stable on server
> while having experimental tools. It's not the chroot to cook packages
> itself.
> You have to mount /home/slitaz into it, so it's like the tank
> environnment but using an experimental system.

Ok I understand, but why must have tazwok installed on the main system
and not in a chroot ? Actually everything can be done into a chrrot
without installing tazwok or tazbb on Tank itselt.
> I don't understand why you persist to use cooking as base, while we
> cooked 1500+ packages using experimental on tank (exactly the same
> "normal" way used for cook cooking)

I'm not using cooking as base, at the moment I'm trying to understand
and setup and build bot using your experimental tools.

> You are going to screw systems if you mirror new repository as cooking
> without all the packages.

I know, I'm not syncing anything.

> GoKhlaYeh <gokhlayeh@xxxxxxxxxx>

- Christophe

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