Re: slitaz, alpine, uclibc and others

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Here's an interesting tiny OS for old computers.  It uses uClibc and a
custom replacement for init called snailit.  The whole OS is gzipped
to 5.8megs and a minimal install is only 15megs.  Anything about it we
can incorporate into Slitaz?  One thing that keeps it small is a
customized 2.0 kernel that's a third the size of the 2.6 kernel, but
maybe snailinit would be useful.  I don't know how big the regular
init is, but this one has some extra functionality...

On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 11:54 PM, Alexander Medvedev <devl547@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>we do have a Slitaz uClibc toolchain
> Ohh... Ok, I'll try to use it. Thanks.

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