Re: New tazpkg installs busybox-pam for tazpkg

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On Fri, 10 Dec 2010 23:20:45 +0300
Alexander Medvedev <devl547@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Looks like we need to create wok-experimental [?]
> There are lots of interesting features and tweaks to try, but currently we
> are bound to compatibility with standart repos and software.
> Does anyone except Chris interested in tweaking SliTaz?

Using a wok-experimental is a good idea.

The goal here is making receipts writing more light and simple (KISS...); About that point, I just discover that pathes setted in configure (--prefix= and that sort of things) can be setted globally in a script. After some tests it appears to works well; but I found some papers which warning about the facts that it doesn't works with each code source (depending on the version of autoconf used before generating the tarball).

In conclusion for most receipts (theorically) it's possible to have compiles_rules looking like :
	cd $src
	./configure && make && make install

instead of :

	cd $src
	./configure \
		--prefix=/usr \
		--infodir=/usr/share/info \
		--mandir=/usr/share/man \
	make -j 4 && make DESTDIR=$PWD/_pkg install

Actually on tested packages it works well. What I'm going to do now is ensure that's fully backward compatible using tweaks like the one Christopher suggest. The general rules is : using global setting only when it's not set in the receipt; else, use current behavior. This way we will have all our time to apply the changes in the wok.

GoKhlaYeh <gokhlayeh@xxxxxxxxxx>

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