How I got subversion to wo(r)k

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Yesterday, after having identified the need to access a SVN repository from my slitaz system, I created wok receipts for the required packages that was not available in the slitaz repos.

I had to create receipts for the following packages:


In addition I had to install (prior to the build) the following packages from the slitaz repos:


The receipt files I created are attached to this e-mail. They could be improved both on info content and dependency information. This was my first experience ever with tazwok, so I did not go into clinch with the dependency matters but managed that by cooking in the order given by the list of packages above.

I have not made very much testing but have checked out from an SVN repo a couple of times, and that worked without any problems.


Attachment: receipt
Description: Binary data

Attachment: receipt
Description: Binary data

Attachment: receipt
Description: Binary data

Attachment: receipt
Description: Binary data

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