Freedesktop - desktopbox

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Just to let you know that now the desktop is mostly standards
compliant, the last slitaz-tools provide a new multi-call GTKbox named
'desktopbox'. The box must be run with a command in argument and provide
a few dialog boxes to creat a folder or a file on the desktop and to add
some new icon in one click. The icons dialog have an entry in the menu
but all the commands are destinated to Openbox menu, so right click on
the desktop will let you perform desktop actions.

Example of use of 'desktopbox' from the cmdline: $ desktopbox add-icons

To have a new Openbox menu:

<!-- Desktop actions -->
<menu id="desktop-menu" label="Desktop actions">
  <item label="Creat new direcory">
    <action name="Execute"><command>desktopbox
new-folder</command></action> </item>
  <item label="Creat new file">
    <action name="Execute"><command>desktopbox
new-file</command></action> </item>
  <separator />
  <item label="Add new icon">
    <action name="Execute"><command>desktopbox
add-icons</command></action> </item>

At the end of the file, in: <menu id="root-menu" label="Openbox 3">,
you must add the menu id:

  <menu id="desktop-menu" />

Suggestions and requests are welcome,
- Christophe

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