[Sawfish] Maximized window versus fullscreen video

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	Hello, Sawfish users,

I have a minor yet annoying problem with Sawfish:

I run Firefox as maximized window - with decorations, but maximized by
default using Window Rules. I select it by Class =~ ^Firefox/Navigator$.

Now when I visit a web site with embedded video player (say, youtube),
play the video, and switch the video player to the fullscreen mode,
then as soon as I leave the fullscreen mode, the Firefox window itself
gets unmaximized.

The expected behaviour would be to have the Firefox window maximized
even after leaving the fullscreen mode of the embedded video player.

Is it possible to treat the fullscreen video player inside Firefox
as a separate entity or something?

A partial workaround is to resize the unmaximized Firefox window manually
to have the same size as the maximized one, so that there is no visible
difference when Firefox gets unmaximized by leaving the fullscreen video

Thanks for any hints.


| Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at {fi.muni.cz - work | yenya.net - private}> |
| http://www.fi.muni.cz/~kas/                         GPG: 4096R/A45477D5 |
IORING_OP_NOP ... the benefits of doing nothing asynchronously are minimal,
but sometimes a placeholder is useful.             --Jonathan Corbet at LWN

Sawfish ML

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