Re: [Sawfish] few theming questions

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On Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:42:20 +0100
wrote Zenlima <post@xxxxxxxxxx>:

>I am writing a little theme for sawfish and a few questions came up
>which I like to ask.
>--Question 1a:
>At the moment same graphic (e.g. the corner graphics) are displayed in
>an active and an inactive version - what works fine:
>        (corner-br (list (set-image-border (make-image
>        "corner_bottom_right_inactive.png"))
>                         (set-image-border (make-image
>        "corner_bottom_right.png"))))
>	...and later inside the frame...
>                ((background . ,corner-br)
>                 (bottom-edge . -5)
>                 (right-edge . -5)
>                 (class . bottom-right-corner))
>But I don't want the corner graphics at all once the window is not
>active anymore. Is that possible and if so with which syntax? Here is
>my idea with pseudo code:
>	(if this-frame-is-active (
>                ((background . ,corner-br)
>                 (bottom-edge . -5)
>                 (right-edge . -5)
>                 (class . bottom-right-corner))
>	)
>--Question 1b:
>One step even better would be, if it would be possible to dispaly the
>corner graphic only then if the mouse pointer is above the corner.
>Would that also be possible?

You can try this:

(define	corner-br
  `((focused . ,(make-image "your-corner-if-window-have-focus.png"))
    (highlighted . ,(make-image "your-corner-if-mouse-over-corner.png"))
    (clicked . nil)
    (inactive . nil)
    (inactive-highlighted . nil)
    (inactive-clicked . nil)))

((background . ,corner-br)
 (bottom-edge . -5)
 (right-edge . -5)
 (class . bottom-right-corner))

You can use in a theme for sawfish different images for active,
inactive windows:

focus = if window has focus
highlighted = if mouse over frame class and window has focus
clicked = if you click on a frame class and window has focus
inactive = window has no focus
inactive-highlighted = window has no focus but the mousepointer is over the frame class 
inactive-clicked= window has no focus but you click on the frame class


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