Re: [Sawfish] Lxpanel deiconification sometimes shifts all windows up

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On Sat, 8 Sep 2012 15:45:32 +0200
wrote Fabrice Delente <delentef@xxxxxxxxx>:

>I'm using sawfish (great WM!) with lxpanel and gkrellm.
>When I start my first application (eg xterm), iconify it and then deiconify
>it, all windows on the screen shift up by the height of the title bar. This
>behavior doesn't reproduce for subsequent iconifications/deiconifications.
>Out of curiosity I tested with openbox and it doesn't happen.
>How can I solve this?

Have you try it also with a new user? If it works with a new user then
it is something wrong in your settings or ~/.sawfish 


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