Re: [Sawfish] Re: new compile from git source installation tests

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Am 16.06.2011 04:51, schrieb Darth Emacs:
The workaround turned out to be fairly simple. It is necessary to partially upgrade the gnome stable desktop. Only the core half dozen, dozen gnome packages need to be upgraded to testing. This is easy with apt-pinning and an apt-get install gnome/wheezy command. What was interesting to me was that the core gnome packages are already utilizing gtk 3. Wow, they are really moving with gtk3 fast. I'll write it up on the compiling from git source page in the next couple days. I'd like to install the snapshot and give that a try. Is there a specific name for the sawfish package, like sawfish-snapshot or something? Is the repository the general nanolx repo?

It's my repo and there's only photonic dist, so all packages reside there. Currently there's on earlier version than 1.8.90s01 inside (I'll build packages soon). The packages don't have different names.


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