Re: [qet] qelectrotech-0.3a-os2

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Le lundi 21 mai 2012 22:03:33 Elbert & Nicole Pol, vous avez écrit :
> Hello,
Hi Elbert, and thank you for your interest into QElectroTech.
> Just let you know, i compile it to OS/2, using Qt 4.7.3
Wow. Here is a package I was not expecting at all :)) I saw you provided a 
readme file explaining the installation. I do not know yet what to do with 
your package. I could easily promote it to the download page, however I have 
a few questions before:
* Does the application work well? Do you use it frequently?
* It seems QET is to be launched without using a script to specify the 
various directories (languages, elements, templates) -- I guess you played 
with compile-time options?
* Would you be interested into maintaining this package for future versions?

Xavier G.
QElectroTech project developer

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