[qet] Elements and - Deplacement du man tcheque et restauration du man francophone (maybe)

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I attachement I send "elements" to be merged with SVN - the I will make "svn up"..

First time I edited SVN "trunk" I had to fill password every time I opened/saved file/folder - twice, but I thought, that this is necessary behaviour and I have to be patient with it. :-) Then I disconnected internet connection and felt satisfying silence in my soul.

I edited some parts of wiki (Documentation). But when I click on "Documentation" on QET web pages - it is in czech too - is it automatical (machine finds that I am from Central Europe) - it calls that czech page isn't created yet or did I saved it in some time wrong?

Greetings, Pavel Fric

Attachment: elements.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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