Re: [pok-devel] POK now executing at JP

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Le Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 03:06:08PM -0800, Reder, Leonard J (3496) :
> The BAE RAD750 board by the way is a PPC family single board computer.  Besides the processor architecture there is a chipset on each of these boards that needs to be supported and that as you mentioned requires workforce and time.

Exactly and I am sure that many people would enjoy making this job,
especially since some companies acquire knowledge on POK.

> I was looking at the partitioned-thread example and it does sort of what I wanted to try out.  However, it did not have the data communication from partitioned-thread to another separate partition-thread.   Can you point me to an example that demonstrates this using your Buffers (e.q. Queues) ?   More precisely all I want to do is covert the example 3 from your learning AADL the pleasant way tutorial into a POK example.

The partition-threads example does not use any communication mechanism
at all. It just a proof-of-concept that starts two partitions.
If you want to have a look at intra- and inter-partition communication,
I suggest you have a look at the examples middleware-*. We have one
example for each communication pattern. And if you want to see the
result, please make sure output/console is enabled both in kernel and
partition layers.

Best regards,

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