Re: [hatari-devel] Things still remaining before v1.8 release?

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Maybe solved already. The single-include file version is listed as the developer distribution (and the 2.3 user distribution does not contain include files). However, the 4.2 version of the user distribution had them. Confusing, I think, but now it builds.

I'll have to start looking at this again tomorrow - I _think_ my only (famous last words) last issue now is for the app to correctly look through the embedded frameworks when linking and running. The paths are there but ... 


On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 1:17 AM, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Le 31/07/2014 01:02, Troed Sångberg a écrit :

So, I didn't give up. I've now compiled universal binaries with SDL
Framework and EmuTOS - still not convinced whether it does pick up a
users install of SDL (See Anders' comment) or if it's just a problem if
a user has a mismatch of i386 libs while running an x86 app.

However, while waiting for confirmation I started to take a look at
making sure I had libpng, portaudio and capsimage support in the build
as well - and here I did run into issues:

The capsimage available for download at
(developer distribution) does contain a Framework and an include file.
But only a single include file (/caps/capsimage.h). Hatari tries to use
another one, /caps/fdc.h - which I did find and copied from fs-uae
github. However, there's obviously a version mismatch now - "use of
undeclared identifier DI_LOCK_DENALT" when compiling floppy_ipf.c).

Yes, this seems incomplete, you should have 3 files :


I worked quite a lot with SPS devs recently for the 5.1 version of caps library and its wd1772 emulation, and hopefully there should be an updated package for 5.1 under OSX soon (when everybody is back from holidays :) )


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