Re: [hatari-devel] OS X performance problem

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Le 03/06/2014 22:51, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
"--fastfdc yes" option slightly decreases the time and with
"--statusbar off --drive-led off" it takes ~5 secs in STE mode.

In ST mode, module isn't loaded and startup takes 3 seconds,
regardless of statusbar i.e. it really seems to be related
to disk loading.

With Hatari v1.6.2, it takes 2-3s to start in *STE mode* with
statusbar i.e. it's considerably faster.  Either using ST mode
or disabling statusbar makes startup time into 2 secs.

I.e. the issue seems to be really related to disk load updates
and statusbar.  However, when I profiled it, statusbar update
took only 0.1% and screen drawing calling it only 0.7% of CPU.
This is expected because fast forward uses frame skipping.

(FDC interrupt handling, which isn't involved in CPU usage related
to statusbar updates, took 35% of Hatari CPU.)


For Bob,

I don't know this demo, but I'm pretty sure FDC timings are very-very accurate now. So, once statusbar is disabled, comparing with previous Hatari is not relevant (especially with 1.6.x where FDC timings were nearly all wrong)

The real test is to run this demo on a true STE and check the time it takes and compare with current Hatari (in case you don't have an STE, maybe there's a youtube video somewhere of the demo that you could use as a reference timing)


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