Re: [hatari-devel] Mac binary download at Tuxfamily

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it will be harder and harder to maintain a PPC build. My iBook g4 died last month. Even for 10.5 support, as my MacBook (2009) also died the same month. Eventually, I still have access to it thru ssh!

So I'm discovering 10.7 and XCode on my fresh MacBook Pro, 2012, bought last Monday... At first try, nothing build....


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Le 21 juin 2012 à 04:16, Bob Carpenter <bcripon89@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Since it looks like 1.6.2 will be released this weekend (or shortly thereafter), I would like to find out if it is possible to have a Mac binary version hosted at Tuxfamily. Since Jerome can create a Universal Binary (which allows Mac PPC users to run Hatari), his version is the first choice. However, if he is unavailable, I am willing to provide an Intel binary when 1.6.2 is released. I know binaries have been available through atari-forum, but I think it would be more convenient to point people here.
> Unlike Linux users (which I used to be one), Mac users are not comfortable compiling their own source. Also, to create a nice Mac binary (SDL included in the package along with EmuTOS), it takes a bit of work. I know I spent some nights investigating how to get the Xcode project to work. If you are not a developer, Xcode is not the easiest product to deal with.
> I am just trying put Mac users on the same level as Windows users who receive a binary download. :)
> Bob

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