[eigen] Port Eigen-project from Visual-C++ to ObjC

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Hello all,

I want to port a project which uses Eigen from Visual C++ to Objective-C(++) for Macintosh computers. The problem is that I always get multiple error messages (e.g., "Explicit specialization of undeclared template struct 'traits'" in Block.h, see picture). I get these same error messages regardless of which (Eigen-) project I am compiling as soon as I mix Objective-C with C++ (which comes with Eigen). What does work is compiling a pure C++ project.

I have read on stackoverflow that this might have to do with the "language" Objective-C++, this means that this specific C++ code cannot be easily compiled with a C compiler. Unfortunately, the tip described on this page does not work.

Any help would be welcome!

Sincerely, Albert

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