Re: [eigen] lowest eigen value only

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Hi Peter,

good luck. I completely agree with Rasmus, it really depends on your problem, what the best/fastest/smallest solution is. I am sorry to hear that the Spectra thing did not work. 

As an intermediate solution, you can also just adapt your current lapack wrapper to work with eigen types. It is pretty straightforward to convert from ublas.

Cheers Jens

| Jens Wehner, PhD | eScience Research Engineer Email: j.wehner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Tel: +31(0)6 438 666 87 |
| Netherlands eScience Center | Science Park 140 | 1098 XG Amsterdam The Netherlands |

From: Peter <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2021 9:42
To: eigen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <eigen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [eigen] lowest eigen value only
Dear Jens,

>> if your system is reasonably large iterative methods could be what you are looking for
>> Libraries like <> implement such things on top of Eigen.

Sadly it gives me a segfault at eig.init(), except for tiny matrices,
although I just followed the simple example based on a dense matrix.
I'll try write a bug report for spectra later, if I can nail it down to a simple example.

Best regards,

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