Re: [eigen] Lots of failures on MSVC9

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Feel free to give it a try. The ICE is triggered in SSE/PacketMath.h, so you might try to compile with EIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE defined to disable this file. If that works, then we should be able to come up with workaround, for instance you could try to only disable pblend with vc9 (set HasBlend=0 in this file, and conditionally disable the pblend code).. Otherwise, be imaginative to figure out the vc9's bug that is causing you troubles...


On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 8:26 PM, Ian Bell <ian.h.bell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I respectfully suggest that you should still support msvc9.  In python 2.7 on windows, that is the compiler that *must* be used for guaranteed compatibility.

I ran with a more stable computer with vc9 that wasn't throwing internal compiler errors, much the same result:

3.3.2 seems to still be ok in vc9 for the things we are doing, so I guess we will stay there forever :(

On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 5:54 AM, Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

vc9 is not supported anymore and we already had a hard time making Eigen 3.3 ok with MSVC 2010. Given that vc9 is giving you ICE, I think it is hopeless to get Eigen 3.3 works with it again.


On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 3:15 AM, Ian Bell <ian.h.bell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I ran the tests in visual studio 9, and had LOTS of failures:

Some of the errors are caused by my compiler having internal problems, but I can confirm many other errors when I compile in vc9.  Let me see if I can find another computer with visual studio 9 with a more stable compiler.

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