[eigen] STL Vectors and Alignment

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Dear all,

Through the documentation which is awesomely cool :-)
I could not figure out the following cases:

First Case:

struct A{
    Eigen::Vector2d a;

std::vector<A> vec;

THIS is obviously wrong because there are alignement issues, described on the page.
Is it enough to fix it like this:

struct A{
    Vector2d a;

std::vector<A> vec;

Or is this going to fail alignment too and I need something like this:
std::vector<  A  ,   Eigen::aligned_allocator<  A > >

Second Case:

struct B{
    A a;
struct A{
    Eigen::Vector2d a;

std::vector<B> vec;

Or is this going to fail alignment too and I need something like this:
std::vector< B  ,   Eigen::aligned_allocator<  B > >

Thanks a lot for the quick reply =)!

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