Re: [eigen] Merge the evaluator branch

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Congratulations! That was very brave work to take on! And will be very useful in itself and as a better foundation for Eigen going forward.


2014-09-15 3:22 GMT-04:00 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@xxxxxxxxx>:

Hi all,

The evaluator branch [1] has well progressed during the past few months, and even though everything is not done yet, I think it is time to merge it in the default branch and suppress deprecated code. Unless someone is against this proposal, I'd like to do the cleanup and merge at the end of the week such that the bravest can give it a try on their own project to detect possible regressions as early as possible.

You can have a brief overview of the current state on this page [2]. Basically, in this branch:
- using evaluator is the default behavior.
- the old path can still be enabled by defining EIGEN_TEST_NO_EVALUATORS.
- removing the old path is the "cleaning" step I was talking about above.

Doing the cleaning and merge now will save me a lot of time to avoid fixing bugs twice and to have a better overview of what remains to be done.



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