Re: [eigen] Bugs on bugzilla

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On 04.06.2014 19:34, Matthew Brett wrote:
 From the far distance - maybe it's worth considering trying to make
Eigen a default option for open-source optimized blas / lapack
libraries?  The whole world of numerical open-source packages is
really suffering at the moment for lack of reliable and easy-to-build
options on Windows [1], and on OSX [2].  If you think Eigen might be
competitive as a general blas / lapack library (cf ATLAS, MKL etc),
and it was possible to build on Windows, then my guess is you'd have a
lot of interest and support from us numerical packages people...

I'm not the expert on this, but I think Eigen's BLAS implementation is almost feature complete (very few Fortran functions left, which could easily be implemented in C/C++ if someone cared). And we are definitely at least competitive with other BLAS/LAPACKs ( -- these require an update, but cf recent comparisons with Blaze on the mailing list and in bugzilla)

For LAPACK I think we only have very few things implemented natively (I only found cholesky, lu and eigenvalues)

The relevant bugzilla entries are:

Assuming we finished those, what would be the next steps to become a "default option"? I.e., adaptions to our build-system, how/where to publish and announce, ...

Overall, I think Eigen could really profit from more feedback and contributions by numerical experts!


Dipl.-Inf., Dipl.-Math. Christoph Hertzberg
Cartesium 0.049
Universität Bremen
Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 5
28359 Bremen

Tel: +49 (421) 218-64252

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