Re: [eigen] Using Eigen in CUDA kernels

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Hi Gael

This is really good news! I have been waiting for this to happen since
quite some time. Just being able to use Eigen in cuda-kernel's is a very
useful feature which I would love to see in the main branch of eigen.

Do you plan on merging this to master at some point?

"assembly looks reasonable" - meaning, somewhat optimal, could be
better? Do you have some specifics?


On 02/07/2013 07:21 PM, Gael Guennebaud wrote:
> Hi list,
> good news, NVCC (the CUDA compiler from NVidia) version 5 is now able
> to parse and compile Eigen :) That means using Eigen in our cuda
> kernels is "just" a matter of qualifying all our functions callable
> from CUDA by __device__ when compiled with nvcc. As a proof of concept
> I've created a fork there:
> This port is far to be complete, but I've been able to do stupid stuff like:
> Matrix3f M(data1+tid*9);
> Vector3f v = M.inverse() * Map<Vector3f>(data+tid*3);
> output[tid] = v.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
> where data1, data, and output are device buffers. The generated
> assembly looked reasonable.
> So no more crappy home-made fixed-size matrix and vector classes!
> This also means that evaluating very large *coefficient-wise
> expressions* on CUDA should not be very difficult. We just need a
> special DeviceMatrix storing its data in device memory, and specialize
> its assignment operator to call a CUDA kernel templated with the
> destination and source expression...
> have fun,
> Gael.

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