Re: [eigen] Adjoint

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Dear Kolja and Frederik,

Thanks for your answers! So my concern would be now to compute the adjugate of a matrix. Can Eigen do better than computing all the minors of the given matrix?

Thanks in advance again!


Στις 04/04/12 18:57, ο/η Luis Peñaranda έγραψε:

I am trying to compute the adjoint of a matrix, but Eigen 3.0.5 gives me
a result I am not expecting. To illustrate this, I reduced the issue to
the attached code. I understand "adjoint" as the traspose of the
cofactor matrix. In the attached example, the adjoint would be (checked
with Maple):

-3 6 -3
6 -12 6
-3 6 -3

But Eigen gives me the transpose of my input matrix:

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

So the question is, does Eigen use another definition for adjoint, am I
making a mistake in my code or is this a bug?

Thanks in advance for your answer,

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