Re: [eigen] Eigen 3.0.5 Could NOT find FFTW (missing: FFTW_INCLUDES)

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Please do so. It's almost as if the original author of the FindFFTW script had no clue about CMake ;)

On 03/11/2012 12:50 PM, Claas H. Köhler wrote:
Hi, to whom it may concern:

Eigen seems to be always problematic under Windows.
I'm trying to use the released version 3.0.5 . However, when I tried to configure Eigen using CMake 2.8.7 GUI > under Window7 (32bit),
it's weird there is no "FFTW_INCLUDES" for me to specify,.

I encountered a similar problem under linux. The problem is, that findFFTW does not allow to specify a FFTW_ROOT variable, which overrides the cmake find results. I was able to patch the necessary cmake files to get things working on my system, which I can post, if you are interested.


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