[eigen] patches for eigen3.0-beta2

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In an attempt to clean up the ROS eigen3 meta package, I was wondering if we can integrate the following 3 patches into Eigen trunk, such that when beta2 comes out we don't have to apply them in ROS.

These are:

* tridiag_3x3.patch: patch provided by Gael that fixes the float eigen decomposition precision (without it MatrixXd matrices work well but MatrixXf ones do not)

* gcc43.patch: patch provided by Benoit that makes GCC 4.3 on Ubuntu 9.04 happy (without it Eigen3 fails to compile)

* warning.patch: patch that silences a compilation warning in Ubuntu 10.04

Thanks a lot in advance!


--- Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/Tridiagonalization.h	2010-08-31 09:02:15.000000000 -0700
+++ Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/Tridiagonalization.h	2010-08-31 09:02:30.000000000 -0700
@@ -433,8 +433,8 @@
 void ei_tridiagonalization_inplace(MatrixType& mat, DiagonalType& diag, SubDiagonalType& subdiag, bool extractQ)
   typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
-  Index n = mat.rows();
-  ei_assert(mat.cols()==n && diag.size()==n && subdiag.size()==n-1);
+  //Index n = mat.rows();
+  ei_assert(mat.cols()==mat.rows() && diag.size()==mat.rows() && subdiag.size()==mat.rows()-1);
   ei_tridiagonalization_inplace_selector<MatrixType>::run(mat, diag, subdiag, extractQ);

--- Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/Tridiagonalization.h	Fri Jul 16 14:02:20 2010 +0200
+++ Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/Tridiagonalization.h	Fri Jul 16 16:38:58 2010 +0200
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
 /** \internal
-  * Specialization for 3x3 matrices.
+  * Specialization for 3x3 real matrices.
   * Especially useful for plane fitting.
 template<typename MatrixType>
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@
     diag[0] = ei_real(mat(0,0));
     RealScalar v1norm2 = ei_abs2(mat(2,0));
-    if (ei_isMuchSmallerThan(v1norm2, RealScalar(1)))
+    if(v1norm2 == RealScalar(0) && ei_imag(mat(1,0))==RealScalar(0))
       diag[1] = ei_real(mat(1,1));
       diag[2] = ei_real(mat(2,2));
@@ -495,8 +495,8 @@
       if (extractQ)
         mat << 1,   0,    0,
-              0, m01,  m02,
-              0, m02, -m01;
+               0, m01,  m02,
+               0, m02, -m01;
--- Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/Tridiagonalization.h	Fri Jul 16 16:38:58 2010 +0200
+++ Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/Tridiagonalization.h	Fri Jul 16 18:22:00 2010 +0200
@@ -384,7 +384,9 @@
 // forward declaration, implementation at the end of this file
-template<typename MatrixType, int Size=MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime>
+template<typename MatrixType,
+         int Size=MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime,
+         bool IsComplex=NumTraits<typename MatrixType::Scalar>::IsComplex>
 struct ei_tridiagonalization_inplace_selector;
 /** \brief Performs a full tridiagonalization in place
@@ -439,7 +441,7 @@
 /** \internal
   * General full tridiagonalization
-template<typename MatrixType, int Size>
+template<typename MatrixType, int Size, bool IsComplex>
 struct ei_tridiagonalization_inplace_selector
   typedef typename Tridiagonalization<MatrixType>::CoeffVectorType CoeffVectorType;
@@ -462,7 +464,7 @@
   * Especially useful for plane fitting.
 template<typename MatrixType>
-struct ei_tridiagonalization_inplace_selector<MatrixType,3>
+struct ei_tridiagonalization_inplace_selector<MatrixType,3,false>
   typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
   typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
@@ -470,14 +472,14 @@
   template<typename DiagonalType, typename SubDiagonalType>
   static void run(MatrixType& mat, DiagonalType& diag, SubDiagonalType& subdiag, bool extractQ)
-    diag[0] = ei_real(mat(0,0));
+    diag[0] = mat(0,0);
     RealScalar v1norm2 = ei_abs2(mat(2,0));
-    if(v1norm2 == RealScalar(0) && ei_imag(mat(1,0))==RealScalar(0))
+    if(v1norm2 == RealScalar(0))
-      diag[1] = ei_real(mat(1,1));
-      diag[2] = ei_real(mat(2,2));
-      subdiag[0] = ei_real(mat(1,0));
-      subdiag[1] = ei_real(mat(2,1));
+      diag[1] = mat(1,1);
+      diag[2] = mat(2,2);
+      subdiag[0] = mat(1,0);
+      subdiag[1] = mat(2,1);
       if (extractQ)
@@ -485,13 +487,13 @@
       RealScalar beta = ei_sqrt(ei_abs2(mat(1,0)) + v1norm2);
       RealScalar invBeta = RealScalar(1)/beta;
-      Scalar m01 = ei_conj(mat(1,0)) * invBeta;
-      Scalar m02 = ei_conj(mat(2,0)) * invBeta;
-      Scalar q = RealScalar(2)*m01*ei_conj(mat(2,1)) + m02*(mat(2,2) - mat(1,1));
-      diag[1] = ei_real(mat(1,1) + m02*q);
-      diag[2] = ei_real(mat(2,2) - m02*q);
+      Scalar m01 = mat(1,0) * invBeta;
+      Scalar m02 = mat(2,0) * invBeta;
+      Scalar q = RealScalar(2)*m01*mat(2,1) + m02*(mat(2,2) - mat(1,1));
+      diag[1] = mat(1,1) + m02*q;
+      diag[2] = mat(2,2) - m02*q;
       subdiag[0] = beta;
-      subdiag[1] = ei_real(ei_conj(mat(2,1)) - m01 * q);
+      subdiag[1] = mat(2,1) - m01 * q;
       if (extractQ)
         mat << 1,   0,    0,
--- Eigen/src/Core/MatrixBase.h
+++ Eigen/src/Core/MatrixBase.h
@@ -333,29 +333,33 @@ template<typename Derived> class MatrixB
 /////////// Geometry module ///////////
     template<typename OtherDerived>
     PlainObject cross(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const;
     template<typename OtherDerived>
     PlainObject cross3(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const;
     PlainObject unitOrthogonal(void) const;
     Matrix<Scalar,3,1> eulerAngles(Index a0, Index a1, Index a2) const;
-    const ScalarMultipleReturnType operator*(const UniformScaling<Scalar>& s) const;
+    ScalarMultipleReturnType operator*(const UniformScaling<Scalar>& s) const;
     enum {
       SizeMinusOne = SizeAtCompileTime==Dynamic ? Dynamic : SizeAtCompileTime-1
     typedef Block<Derived,
                   ei_traits<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime==1 ? SizeMinusOne : 1,
                   ei_traits<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime==1 ? 1 : SizeMinusOne> StartMinusOne;
     typedef CwiseUnaryOp<ei_scalar_quotient1_op<typename ei_traits<Derived>::Scalar>,
                 StartMinusOne > HNormalizedReturnType;
-    const HNormalizedReturnType hnormalized() const;
-    typedef Homogeneous<Derived,MatrixBase<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime==1?Vertical:Horizontal> HomogeneousReturnType;
-    const HomogeneousReturnType homogeneous() const;
+    HNormalizedReturnType hnormalized() const;
+    // put this as separate enum value to work around possible GCC 4.3 bug (?)
+    enum { HomogeneousReturnTypeDirection = ColsAtCompileTime==1?Vertical:Horizontal };
+    typedef Homogeneous<Derived, HomogeneousReturnTypeDirection> HomogeneousReturnType;
+    HomogeneousReturnType homogeneous() const;
 ////////// Householder module ///////////
     void makeHouseholderInPlace(Scalar& tau, RealScalar& beta);
     template<typename EssentialPart>
     void makeHouseholder(EssentialPart& essential,
                          Scalar& tau, RealScalar& beta) const;
     template<typename EssentialPart>
--- Eigen/src/Core/VectorwiseOp.h
+++ Eigen/src/Core/VectorwiseOp.h
@@ -456,17 +456,17 @@ template<typename ExpressionType, int Di
     operator-(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const
       return m_matrix - extendedTo(other.derived());
 /////////// Geometry module ///////////
-    const Homogeneous<ExpressionType,Direction> homogeneous() const;
+    Homogeneous<ExpressionType,Direction> homogeneous() const;
     typedef typename ExpressionType::PlainObject CrossReturnType;
     template<typename OtherDerived>
     const CrossReturnType cross(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const;
     enum {
       HNormalized_Size = Direction==Vertical ? ei_traits<ExpressionType>::RowsAtCompileTime
                                              : ei_traits<ExpressionType>::ColsAtCompileTime,
@@ -484,17 +484,17 @@ template<typename ExpressionType, int Di
     typedef CwiseBinaryOp<ei_scalar_quotient_op<typename ei_traits<ExpressionType>::Scalar>,
                   Direction==Vertical   ? HNormalized_SizeMinusOne : 1,
                   Direction==Horizontal ? HNormalized_SizeMinusOne : 1> >
-    const HNormalizedReturnType hnormalized() const;
+    HNormalizedReturnType hnormalized() const;
     ExpressionTypeNested m_matrix;
 /** \returns a VectorwiseOp wrapper of *this providing additional partial reduction operations
   * Example: \include MatrixBase_colwise.cpp
--- Eigen/src/Core/util/StaticAssert.h
+++ Eigen/src/Core/util/StaticAssert.h
@@ -98,22 +98,22 @@
     // Specialized implementation for MSVC to avoid "conditional
     // expression is constant" warnings.  This implementation doesn't
     // appear to work under GCC, hence the multiple implementations.
     #ifdef _MSC_VER
-        {Eigen3::ei_static_assert<CONDITION ? true : false>::MSG;}
+        {Eigen3::ei_static_assert<(CONDITION)>::MSG;}
-        if (Eigen3::ei_static_assert<CONDITION ? true : false>::MSG) {}
+        if (Eigen3::ei_static_assert<(CONDITION)>::MSG) {}
   #endif // not CXX0X
--- Eigen/src/Geometry/Homogeneous.h
+++ Eigen/src/Geometry/Homogeneous.h
@@ -130,48 +130,48 @@ template<typename MatrixType,int _Direct
   * \only_for_vectors
   * Example: \include MatrixBase_homogeneous.cpp
   * Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_homogeneous.out
   * \sa class Homogeneous
 template<typename Derived>
-inline const typename MatrixBase<Derived>::HomogeneousReturnType
+inline typename MatrixBase<Derived>::HomogeneousReturnType
 MatrixBase<Derived>::homogeneous() const
   return derived();
 /** \geometry_module
   * \returns a matrix expression of homogeneous column (or row) vectors
   * Example: \include VectorwiseOp_homogeneous.cpp
   * Output: \verbinclude VectorwiseOp_homogeneous.out
   * \sa MatrixBase::homogeneous() */
 template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
-inline const Homogeneous<ExpressionType,Direction>
+inline Homogeneous<ExpressionType,Direction>
 VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType,Direction>::homogeneous() const
   return _expression();
 /** \geometry_module
   * \returns an expression of the homogeneous normalized vector of \c *this
   * Example: \include MatrixBase_hnormalized.cpp
   * Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_hnormalized.out
   * \sa VectorwiseOp::hnormalized() */
 template<typename Derived>
-inline const typename MatrixBase<Derived>::HNormalizedReturnType
+inline typename MatrixBase<Derived>::HNormalizedReturnType
 MatrixBase<Derived>::hnormalized() const
   return StartMinusOne(derived(),0,0,
     ColsAtCompileTime==1?1:size()-1) / coeff(size()-1);
@@ -187,17 +187,17 @@ MatrixBase<Derived>::hnormalized() const
   * \returns an expression of the homogeneous normalized vector of \c *this
   * Example: \include DirectionWise_hnormalized.cpp
   * Output: \verbinclude DirectionWise_hnormalized.out
   * \sa MatrixBase::hnormalized() */
 template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
-inline const typename VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType,Direction>::HNormalizedReturnType
+inline typename VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType,Direction>::HNormalizedReturnType
 VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType,Direction>::hnormalized() const
   return HNormalized_Block(_expression(),0,0,
       Direction==Vertical   ? _expression().rows()-1 : _expression().rows(),
       Direction==Horizontal ? _expression().cols()-1 : _expression().cols()).cwiseQuotient(
                 Direction==Vertical   ? HNormalized_SizeMinusOne : 1,
                 Direction==Horizontal ? HNormalized_SizeMinusOne : 1>
--- Eigen/src/Geometry/Scaling.h
+++ Eigen/src/Geometry/Scaling.h
@@ -110,17 +110,17 @@ public:
   bool isApprox(const UniformScaling& other, typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real prec = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const
   { return ei_isApprox(m_factor, other.factor(), prec); }
 /** Concatenates a linear transformation matrix and a uniform scaling */
 // NOTE this operator is defiend in MatrixBase and not as a friend function
 // of UniformScaling to fix an internal crash of Intel's ICC
-template<typename Derived> const typename MatrixBase<Derived>::ScalarMultipleReturnType
+template<typename Derived> typename MatrixBase<Derived>::ScalarMultipleReturnType
 MatrixBase<Derived>::operator*(const UniformScaling<Scalar>& s) const
 { return derived() * s.factor(); }
 /** Constructs a uniform scaling from scale factor \a s */
 static inline UniformScaling<float> Scaling(float s) { return UniformScaling<float>(s); }
 /** Constructs a uniform scaling from scale factor \a s */
 static inline UniformScaling<double> Scaling(double s) { return UniformScaling<double>(s); }
 /** Constructs a uniform scaling from scale factor \a s */
--- Eigen/Core 2010-09-02 22:11:52.000000000 -0700
+++ Eigen/Core 2010-09-03 13:49:57.000000000 -0700
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 #ifndef EIGEN_CORE_H
 #define EIGEN_CORE_H
 // first thing Eigen does: prevent MSVC from committing suicide
 #include "src/Core/util/DisableMSVCWarnings.h"

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