[eigen] skipXxx / computeXxx parameters in Eigenvalues module

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The SelfAdjointEigenSolver class allows for the computation of only the eigenvalues and not the eigenvectors. This allows a non-trivial time saving. My plan is to extend this functionality to the other eigensolvers (this is not much work).

However, there is an API issue that I'd like some opinions about. The compute() function in the SelfAdjointEigenSolver class has a bool argument computeEigenvectors; the eigenvectors are computed iff it is true. The compute() function in the Tridiagonalization class has a bool argument extractQ; the matrix Q (which is analogous to the eigenvectors) is computed iff it is true. However, the compute() function in the ComplexSchur class has a bool argument skipU; the matrix U is computed iff it is *false*.

I think this inconsistency is potentially confusing for the users. On the other hand, changing it may break existing programs. So what to do?


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