Re: [eigen] Armadillo: a close cousin of eigen in terms of functionality.

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2010/2/8 Rohit Garg <rpg.314@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> I wonder if people around here know about this library. It is a
> functional cousin of eigen, atleast for large matrices. A plus is
> lapack backend. A minus is skeletal documentation. (Whatever I could
> find in a quick look).

Armadillo looks more like a BLAS/LAPACK wrapper, so a cousin of FLENS,
than as a stand-alone matrix library like Eigen. Indeed, their website

"Q: How well will Armadillo work without LAPACK/ATLAS ?
A: Basic functionality will be available (e.g. matrix addition and
multiplication), but things like eigen decomposition will not be.
Matrix multiplication (mainly for big matrices) will not be as fast. "

By contrast, Eigen, at least for dense matrix, is a full standalone
matrix library, even if we add optional back-ends in the future.

Another big difference is that they only handle dynamic-size matrices,
not fixed-size matrices. That makes a lot of sense since they're a
BLAS/LAPACK wrapper.

> A BIG minus for the FOSS community is that there a two projects
> attempting the same thing and only going half as far as they can go
> otherwise. I wonder if collaboration/co-operation is possible?

Collaboration, well, eventually we'd like to have BLAS/LAPACK
back-ends, so it would always be interesting to see how they do it.

But I don't think that Armadillo is attempting to do the same thing as
Eigen. It rather looks like it's doing the same thing as FLENS. I'm
not aware of another library doing the same thing as Eigen...

> At any rate, it could be useful to peek into it's code to see how they
> tackle problems faced by eigen.

Yes, for the BLAS/LAPACK wrapper stuff, that could be useful.


> --
> Rohit Garg
> Senior Undergraduate
> Department of Physics
> Indian Institute of Technology
> Bombay

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