Re: [eigen] Iterators with dense matrices: (was: Areas of eigen3 variation and using eigen2/3 in generic code)

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On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Hauke Heibel <hauke..heibel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks a lot for the explanation.

Is this completely specific to uBlas or are there other Boost
libraries standardizing on the same interface? uBlas alone is not

A few general thoughts on this stuff.
So my suggestions would be:

1) Iteration for Vectors/slices of matrices/etc.:
  • To me this is the first-order concern and prevents me from using Eigen.  I have a lot of code that uses vectors and multi_arrays for interpolation, etc. and I can't live without std::binary_search on the vector to bracket results efficiently
  • The specifications for this are easy:
  • I think it is reasonable to drop a couple of the requirements on the Concept here, but I am not sure if it is necessary.
  • If it was possible to patch this to Eigen2, then I might be able to convert over.
A few 2nd order comments on this:
  • Since the standard library will have ranges soon enough to make the libraries more usable, I think that it may be worth designing ahead to ensure range compatibility.  This may involve little or no change to the interfaces as ranges are intended to be orthogonal
  • Also I use std::transform all over the place... it would be great if there was an easy Eigen equivalent: eigen::transform(my_eigen_container, my_eigen_container_out, my_unary_functor()).  If this can use your reduction methods and vectorization, that would be really awesome.

2) Separate Iterators vs. Cursors
With ublas, you don't really have iterators for matrices.  It is more like a cursor through the matrix.  If go:
auto iter1 = get matrix.begin1();

This is not an iterator on the rows on the matrix contrary to the docs.  Dereferencing this iterator gives you the value of the current "cursor" which would be the first element of the row at first.

The intention of the begin1(), etc. is to nest iterators for traversing the matrix (see pauls code), so they are useless on their own as far as I can tell.  This caused me much grief.  When I was forced to traverse through a dense matrix, I ended up just accessing with "(i, j)" because of frustractions.

I think this is more of a cursor through the matrix.  I think that MTL4 should be the winner for what interface to emulate:

3) Cursors for Sparse Matrices
This is getting above my pay grade... I hope Paul or someone who does a lot of sparse algorithms can correct it.

Where cursors/iterators are essential is with sparse algorithms.  The reason is that you need to go through only the non-zero elements.  This can't really be vectorized in the same was as the other Eigen routines, and I don't know of any other way to do it than the cursor or iterator approach.  Since the MTL guys are mostly interested in sparse algorithms, I think that their approach is likely the right one.

4) Iterators for Matrices and Tensors
Assuming that Eigen moves towards having multidimensional structures, I think that the iteration should probably follow a model like boost::multi_array, except provide the normal linear algebra interfaces when the dimension drops to 2 or 1.

In multi_array, there is naturally no "begin1, begin2".  As an example for a 3d structure like: boost::multi_array<double, 3>

  • I believe what happens when I call "begin()" is that it provides an iterator through the first dimension of the boost::multi_array<double, 3>
  • If I dereference this, I get some something like: multi_array_ref<double, 2>, dropping the leading dimension.
  • I can then get an iterator on this which dereference to a multi_array_ref<double, 1>.
  • This then acts as a STL compliant random access container.  i.e. if I call begin() on this, it finally will dereference to the value_type, a "double" here.

This is exactly the sort of iteration that you need for many recursive algorithms in multi-dimensions.  For example, I need it for a multi-dimensional cubic spline

(Here is someones implementation here uses nested std::vectors and recursively gets iterators.

Of course, it would be much nicer to be able to get iterators over something other than just the trailing dimension.  e.g.
Eigen::multi_array<double, 3> arr;
multi_array_ref<double, 2> arr.begin<1>(); //First dimension, compile time.
multi_array_ref<double, 2> arr.begin<tag::row>(); //row is a synonym for 1st dim
multi_array_ref<double, 2> arr.begin<tag::major>(); //iterates over the major dimension, by storage ordering/complexity.

//and then you can even give the option of traversing all vs. non-zeros for sparse matrices.
multi_array_ref<double, 2> arr.begin<tag::major, tag::non_zeros>(); //iterates over the major dimension, by complexity.

.... note that this multi_array_ref here should behave like a eigen::matrix concept.  This alone would be amazing as there is no interoperability between boost::multi_array and boost::ublas, much to my chagrin.

This all may sound tricky and unncessary until multi_array's are available, but I think one needs to think through the interface and how it would be generalized to future-proof the iterator interface for matrices/vectors.


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