Re: [eigen] FindEigen2.cmake

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2009/5/19 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> the previous post remind me that I recently added in kdeedu an
> extended FindEigen2.cmake module which allows to test the Eigen
> version.

Wonderful! I had a look at doing that but didn't arrive to such a good solution.

> It basically parses the file Eigen/src/Core/util/Macro.h

That's great because this will go much faster than compiling a program
with Eigen

> I think it would be cool to submit it to the cmake team to be included
> in the next cmake release. So if there are some comments before I send
> it to them.

in your regular expression, i'd feel better if you allowed an
arbitrary number of spaces and tabs between the "define" and the

> Also, I know cmake has some mechanism to check the version of package
> containing some special cmake generated files. I chose not to use it
> because:
> 1 - redundancy with the information in Eigen/src/Core/util/Macro.h
> 2 - would not work with previous eigen release.

and 3 - would only work with cmake-installed Eigen, not with
just-untarred eigen sources.

For 2 - we already have some redundancy since the version number is
also a string in CMakeLists.txt. But, using your regex code, maybe
that can be removed! That would be one thing less to take care of when
making a release.

Until CMake accepts your module, maybe you can simply host it in...
our own cmake/ directory? So that people can easily find it.


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