Re: [casetta] It **almost** works (sending matrices) !

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Fabien ANDRE a écrit :
Florian Biree a écrit :

Fabien ANDRE a écrit :

Last mail ! I promise. You can actually send matrices (if you accept the receive error from the calc) : It works but there are errors :-) hum hum hum. :-).
It *almost *works and it is *almost *bugfree !

You have to manually set the dimensions of the matrix (see examples in attachments).

I've tried yours contribution, it's very interesting, and seems to work almost good. I will not add it in the 0.3 version: I prefer to release the 0.3 version before doing the work on file formats about matrices, lists and variables, and if only the transfer tool manage lists, matrices and variables, it's not very useful. But yours contributions will help a lot for the 0.4 development.

(I've attached the remotectrl-casetta modified to work with Amarok, with the same casio program.)
Just about the english (yes I am a maniac of spelling mistakes) :
fr : un calcul (en maths) -> en : a calculation
fr : une légende, pour une carte, un schéma -> en : a caption (That's for the feature matrix).
If I made some mistakes, I'm of course OK to fix them, but where are they?



Thank you for trying what I sent...
I have to correct some bugs and add errors in casetta.errors to make it a bit better.

I've tried yours contribution, it's very interesting, and seems to work almost good. I will not add it in the 0.3 version: I prefer to release the 0.3 version before doing the work on file formats about matrices, lists and variables, and if only the transfer tool manage lists, matrices and variables, it's not very useful. But yours contributions will help a lot for the 0.4 development.

That's OK, no problem. I admit these functionnalities are not very useful (except for geeks who want to use their calculators as remote controllers :-) ). However, when I send you a better version (with bugs corrected etc...), could you add it in the svn (in the casetta module), please ? Because, I think that otherwise, when we want to include the changes, it will be more difficult (as it is based of the revision 124, it will be more difficult to include the changes if we wait until the revision 185). Moreover, if you don't add support for variables, lists and matrices in casetta_gtk and in casetta_cli , people will never hear about these data type and will never use them. You can also comment the code in the final 0.3 release.

Je reprends ce que j'ai essayé de dire en anglais car je pense que je n'ai pas été très clair... J'admets que les matrices et les listes ne sont pas vraiment importantes mais je pense que ce serait mieux si tu pouvais inclure les changements quand j'enverrai une version corrigée dans le SVN, parce que si on ne le fait pas maintenant, ce sera plus difficile d'inclure les changements ensuite (étant donné que c'est basé sur la révision 124, ça pas être facile d'inclure les modifs quand on en sera à la révision 185 !). En plus, si on n'ajoute pas le support pour les listes et les matrices dans casetta_cli et casetta_gtk, personne ne les utilisera et donc ça ne créera pas de bugs.
All the changes inside the casetta package before the 0.3 release will probably be inside file format related modules, so the files you've modified may not change before the development of the 0.4 version.

When casetta 0.3 is supposed to be released ? (because the roadmap is rather a todo list ! so I couldn't find the date).
When it'll be ready, of course ;-) The casetta package is almost finished, the cli too. The release date depends of the work on the GUI, but I hope release it in June or July. But I don't know how much time I'll have to work on casetta this summer...

Personnally, I think support for all *raw* datatypes is more important than support for other formats (g1r, fxi etc..). In the first casetta release, I would have have added support for all raw datatypes and I would have then added support for other formats./ That's my point of view, but YOU are the boss :-)./
:-) I understand your point of view, but, at the beginning, casetta was a file format converter for cafix. Because data are more or less stored in the same way inside each format, I made the choice to work data type by data type.

For the spelling mistakes that's better if I say were they are !! You wrote calcul instead of calculation in logs and comments (I admit this is a detail and that it is not necessary to correct this mistake, that was just a remark :-)
All remarks are welcome! I'll not change all logs and comments, but I'll write "calculation" now ;-)
, so hey there is NO problem). For the caption, that's here :
Ok, thanks.
I will NOT contribute to casetta until the 20th of June (except if I correct some bugs). But during the last week (maybe more) of June, I think I will have a lot of free time so I can develop casetta.
Ok, thank you for yours contributions!

Thesa ~ Florian Birée
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