Re: [casetta] About the future of Casetta_gtk

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Hello all.

I'm Choplair, this is the first post from me there. But it should
quickly increase. :p

2007/3/18, Florian Birée <florian.biree@xxxxxxxxx>:
The python package casetta is on the road to the 0.3 version, and the work
on Casetta_gtk, the GUI, will begin.
I proud to announce that Choplair, a python and PyGTK developer, will join
the team to work on the GUI.

Yeah! I'll try to do my best of the Casetta GUI. \o/

In the 0.3 version, Casetta_gtk will have to manage pictures and screen
captures, so a picture editor must be added inside Casetta_gtk. Some others
functions will be added, as the function Fabien Andre to convert pictures to
programs, or maybe his current work on a backup-extractor.

Concerning image picture / screen picture management within the GUI,
you gave several clues but I'll be pleased if you could confirm me
some points, for me to be sure, by answering those 2 questions :

- I think I understood that the goal is to implement a Casio image
viewer / creator / editor withing the GUI. So that is to say that, in
edition mode, user would be able to draw pixels or lines, in two or
four different tone (this depends of the calculator model, doesn't
it?), and save it as an image which could be transfered to the Casio,
directly from within the GUI, have I correctly understood ?

- Another feature would be the ability to save the canvas (what user
drawn) as a program instead of a raw image. I mean a Casio program
that would be just intended for rendering the image by drawing each
pixel (or horizontal segment) on the screen. I will produce the same
result but here the program source code could be merged into another
program that would thus be able to display the image on the screen in
its turn, when desired (there are many potential usages, such as
displaying a nice logo at the beginning of a program, etc).
This feature, useful for Casio programmer, would be implementable
thanks to Fabien Andre's code.
Am I right still about the feature description? Have I understood everything?

Now a little (hum, perhaps big actually :p) feature suggestion for the
future Casetta image editor : what about implementing a common image
format (BMP, JPG, PNG...) to Casio image format converter ? So that
user would be able to export existing image from their computer to
their calculator, instead of drawing it manually. Images scale and
size would have to be adapted to fit the Casio image format (a very
low resolution square surface, I think), then RGB color map would have
to be converted to indexed one (orange, green, blue, & white as you
mentioned ; or just black/white), and... we're done! :)
IMO such operations could be performed easily using the Python Image Library.

What is your opinion? Wouldn't it be a nice feature? We may even
imagine that the Casio image to program converter would be applicable
on these !
So we'll obtain the following scheme : any image from hard drive =>
Casio image format => Casio program that render it on screen (for
being reused in other program). Quite exciting, no?


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