Re: [translations] Fwd: New German PO file for 'lilypond' (version 2.13.48)

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Le 12/02/2011 23:23, Federico Bruni disait :
Il giorno sab, 12/02/2011 alle 21.26 +0100, Jean-Charles Malahieude ha
Le 12/02/2011 21:07, Francisco Vila disait :

    I think we can push latest PO files from the Free Translation
Project. Could you do so?

IIRC we have updated files for German and Spanish.

Will do it tomorrow after having updated it for French.
Only change I have noticed was a "fuzzy" and the copyright year.

Can you wait until tomorrow _night_?

Italian .po file is ready, but I can't submit it to the robot right now
because the robot is expecting a message from an old email account I
have deleted.
I've contacted the TP coordinator and I hope this will be fixed soon.
Otherwise I'll do it next weekend.

Have you enclosed it with the message you sent to the coordinator?

Send it to me as well, I'll try to upload it as well as mine.


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