Re: [chrony-users] Starting Chronyd as online

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Am Sonntag, den 01.07.2012, 23:37 -0700 schrieb Bill Unruh:
> On Sun, 1 Jul 2012, Bill Unruh wrote:
> > On Mon, 2 Jul 2012, Paul Menzel wrote:

> >>  Am Sonntag, den 01.07.2012, 22:55 -0700 schrieb Bill Unruh:
> >> >  On Mon, 2 Jul 2012, Paul Menzel wrote:
> >> 
> >> > >  is there a way to start Chronyd as online with an option?
> >> > > 
> >> > >  This would be helpful to simplify init.d scripts or service files not
> >> > >  having to read the password from the key file and pass some commands 
> >> > >  to
> >> > >  Chronyc.
> >> > 
> >> >  No idea what you mean of why having chronyd "online" ( O assume not 
> >> >  detached
> >> >  as a daemon) would help. You would still need to run chronyc to pass 
> >> >  commands
> >> >  to the running daemon, and would have to read the password file to send
> >> >  certain commands. And how it would simplify init.d scripts I have no 
> >> >  idea.
> >> >  Perhaps if you told us the problem, rather than the solution, we could 
> >> >  be more
> >> >  helpful.
> >>
> >>  Currently starting Chronyd and executing `activity` in Chronyc all
> >>  sources (NTP servers) are listed as offline. The command `online` has to
> >>  be executed to get those online. I would like to start Chronyd, so that
> >>  all sources are online right away.
> >
> > OK, it should not do that if your network is up and you have not told it to
> > put them all offline in /etc/chrony.conf.

Strange. But this is definitely the behavior I am seeing. The shipped
init.d script also contains the following lines to send the `online`

        $ more /etc/init.d/chrony
        putonline ()
        { # Do we have a default route?  If so put chronyd online.
            if timelimit -q -s9 -t5 -- netstat -rn 2>/dev/null | grep -q '0\.0\.0\.0' 
        	sleep 2  # Chronyd can take a while to start.
        	KEY=$(awk '$1 ~ /^commandkey$/ { print $2; exit}' /etc/chrony/chrony.conf)
        	PASSWORD=`awk '$1 ~ /^'$KEY'$/ {print $2; exit}' /etc/chrony/chrony.keys`
        	# Make sure chronyc can't hang us up.
        	if timelimit -q -s9 -t5 -- /usr/bin/chronyc > /dev/null << EOF
        password $PASSWORD
        burst 5/10
                        touch /var/run/chrony-ppp-up
                        echo "$NAME is running and online."
                        rm -f /var/run/chrony-ppp-up
                        echo "$NAME is running and offline."    
                rm -f /var/run/chrony-ppp-up
                echo "$NAME is running and offline."
        case "$1" in
        	start-stop-daemon --start --verbose --exec $DAEMON
        	case "$?" in
        		0) # daemon successfully started

> > a) check chrony.conf to see if it is telling chrony to put the sources
> > offline. If chrony.conf is doing that remove the offline keywords in
> > chorny.conf.
> >
> > b) Is your network up when chrony comes up? If you have to have chrony start
> > before the network comes up, then you could put in an init.d script to 
> > restart
> > chronyd after the network is up
> Actually cancel b) Even if the network is down when chrony starts the sources
> should come up and be online when the network comes up. At least it does that
> on my laptop, where I have to connect to the network well after chronyd comes
> up. Perhaps you should post your chrony.conf file and tell us which version of
> chrony you are running.

I am using Chrony 1.26 from Debian Sid/unstable. Please find my
`chrony.conf` file attached which is the one shipped in the Debian


# This the default chrony.conf file for the Debian chrony package.  After
# editing this file use the command 'invoke-rc.d chrony restart' to make
# your changes take effect.  John Hasler <jhasler@xxxxxxxxxx> 1998-2008

# See for an explanation of these servers.  Please
# consider joining the project if possible.  If you can't or don't want to
# use these servers I suggest that you try your ISP's nameservers.  We mark
# the servers 'offline' so that chronyd won't try to connect when the link
# is down.  Scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d and /etc/ppp/ip-down.d use chronyc
# commands to switch it on when a dialup link comes up and off when it goes
# down.  Code in /etc/init.d/chrony attempts to determine whether or not
# the link is up at boot time and set the online status accordingly.  If
# you have an always-on connection such as cable omit the 'offline'
# directive and chronyd will default to online.
# Note that if Chrony tries to go "online" and dns lookup of the servers
# fails they will be discarded.  Thus under some circumstances it is 
# better to use IP numbers than host names.

server offline minpoll 8
server offline minpoll 8
server offline minpoll 8
server offline minpoll 8

# Look here for the admin password needed for chronyc.  The initial
# password is generated by a random process at install time.  You may
# change it if you wish.

keyfile /etc/chrony/chrony.keys

# Set runtime command key.  Note that if you change the key (not the
# password) to anything other than 1 you will need to edit
# /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/chrony, /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/chrony, /etc/init.d/chrony
# and /etc/cron.weekly/chrony as these scripts use it to get the password.

commandkey 1

# I moved the driftfile to /var/lib/chrony to comply with the Debian
# filesystem standard.

driftfile /var/lib/chrony/chrony.drift

# Comment this line out to turn off logging.

log tracking measurements statistics
logdir /var/log/chrony

# Stop bad estimates upsetting machine clock.

maxupdateskew 100.0

# Dump measurements when daemon exits.


# Specify directory for dumping measurements.

dumpdir /var/lib/chrony

# Let computer be a server when it is unsynchronised.

local stratum 10

# Allow computers on the unrouted nets to use the server.

allow 10/8
allow 192.168/16
allow 172.16/12

# This directive forces `chronyd' to send a message to syslog if it
# makes a system clock adjustment larger than a threshold value in seconds.

logchange 0.5

# This directive defines an email address to which mail should be sent
# if chronyd applies a correction exceeding a particular threshold to the
# system clock.

# mailonchange root@localhost 0.5

# This directive tells chrony to regulate the real-time clock and tells it
# Where to store related data.  It may not work on some newer motherboards
# that use the HPET real-time clock.  It requires enhanced real-time
# support in the kernel.  I've commented it out because with certain
# combinations of motherboard and kernel it is reported to cause lockups.

# rtcfile /var/lib/chrony/chrony.rtc

# If the last line of this file reads 'rtconutc' chrony will assume that
# the CMOS clock is on UTC (GMT).  If it reads '# rtconutc' or is absent
# chrony will assume local time.  The line (if any) was written by the
# chrony postinst based on what it found in /etc/default/rcS.  You may
# change it if necessary. 

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